Sunday, May 12, 2013

Happy Mother's Day


Reasons I miss my mom:
-Her red hair and freckles
-Her cooking
-Her constant emails and letters
-Because when she thinks somethings funny...she can never hold it in
-Because she is full of goodness and kindness
-Because she loves everyone around her
-Because she protects and loves her children like a momma bear
-Because she taught me the gospel from day one
-Because she dressed me up my first Easter and helped me hunt eggs
(before I could barely hold my head up)
-Because she's learned to be more witty and sarcastic than even Dad now
-Because she still makes sure I'm flossing my teeth and brushing
-Because she still asks how my allergies are doing (once a mom, always a mom)
-Because she is so much like the Savior
-Because she puts up with dad :)
-Because she endured 9 months of me inside of her and almost 21 years
of me outside
-Because she is a daughter of God.
-Because she is going to be such an awesome grandmother!
-Because she will forever, throughout all time and eternity be my MOTHER.

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