Thursday, May 2, 2013

How to be a Happy Missionary

  • Get in the habit of exercising regularly before you leave
  • Start your mission journal a couple of weeks before you leave the MTC
  • Bring an extra pair of glasses (if you wear glasses)
  • "practice" recipes before you get here- once you've left the're on your own and grilled cheese starts to get old
  • Memorize D&C 4
  • Homesickness means you are fortunate enough to have a fantastic family. Be grateful- not mournful.
  • If you play piano, memorize as many hymns as possible to play at a moment's notice. They WILL hunt you down.
  • Remember, the Lord blesses the families of missionaries.
  • Get to church early-get to everything early.
  • know how to budget and don't go out to eat a lot- these are sacred funds ($1 menus work occasionally:)
  • Eat a good breakfast every morning...sometimes you don't get a good lunch
  • leggings under skirts if you're biking and watch your miles carefully if you're blessed to have a car.
  • learn what annoys your companion...and do it on occasion:)
  • keep a copy of an already prepared talk for when the Bishop or Branch Pres. calls you to speak randomly.
  • Bring Sticky notes...they will be used.
  • Laugh.
  • Cry.
  • Pray...a lot. He understands.
  • I have a testimony of going to bed on time at 10:30 and getting up at 6:30. Somehow your body will have just enough energy to last the day.
  • 50 push-ups in the mornings feels good. Don't just do sit-ups in bed!
  • Eventually you'll get good at eating all the food on your plate.
  • For at least one day each week, completely refrain from thinking about home.
  • Write your family weekly..not weakly.
  • fasting should prayerfully be considered between you and your companion and for a special reason
  • Help with the dishes at dinner appointments
  • You'll have bad days. Keep ice cream in the freezer for this purpose.
  • Buy fruit!
  • Don't "coo" at any dogs before you walk inside...they probably won't like you.
  • Microwave popcorn saves lives.
  • If you don't approach a stranger, the answer is already "no".
  • Names not numbers.
  • Remember your feelings when you first opened your call for when times get tough.
  • Let yourself stretch, that's what a mission does to you.
  •'s the only curve that sets everything straight.

 We had a lesson with Brianda's family (she and her brother are the

only members) and I have been studiously teaching these cuties how to
lead music. :)

 Thank heavens we have Brianda here in our area. She's preparing to go

on a mission herself and she so very unselfishly comes out with us
every week and helps us with our member presence. Love you BRIANDA!
(She follows my I KNOW she's gonna see this post) ;)

 Group picture after church :)
 Oh my Jocelyn Escobeda :) Love this girl...her and her fabulous momma

feed us every month multiple times. We have such good people here in
our branch.

 Look what we found...:)
 Can you say superman? Does he not look like Clark Kent right now??
By the way, I want you all to know that YES I DO HAVE A PICTURE OF MY BEST

*Miracle of the Week*

-We were driving to do service for Sis. Marble and it was during lunch hours so traffic was crazy. There was a long line of cars stopped at a red light but there was a small opening in between them to get out into the apartment complex where Sis. Marble lives. The cars were stopped and letting me through. A car came out of nowhere. I'm not sure if he was in the line of cars, got impatient and decided to switch lanes- or what. He should have hit us. I gunned it and said a frantic prayer to Heavenly Father. I know the Lord protects his missionaries. Somehow we were protected and made it through untouched. Milagro!


  1. So cute smile always :) but that's really good and thanks for the tips.

    Thanks and God Bless!

    family care foundation (fcf)

  2. Thank you very much for the the 40 tips of preparation. I will use some of it to teach some youth at Youth Conference. Will let you know what happens :) ---melody
